Saturday, November 2, 2013

DJ Sundown 2 - 4 PM Nov 2 @ Winter Holiday Village

DJ Sundown is spinning tunes at the village pond, music is sim wide, join us and get your skate on and listen to an awesome array of music.
WHEN - November 2, 2013
TIME   -  2 - 4 PM SLT/PST
♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊ ♪ ✩♬ ❊